Anna Margaret’s Heart

This is a really lovely pink heart tomato with fruit that could be called a blunt heart. It may also produce some oxheart shaped. They are kind of ribbed on top and really large. Fruit can grow to be over 2 pounds but most are around a pound.

Meaty with very little seeds they are wonderful for slicing and salsa making. Flavor is a little sweet but with a great balance of flavor. Good production on strong plants.

I’m proud to offer this one that isn’t available commercially yet. Grow this one and spread the word on how special it is.


From Tatiana’s TOMATObase:

  • Family heirloom from the family of George Liptak of Pueblo, Colorado.
  • George Liptak acquired these tomato seeds from his now deceased aunt, Anna Margaret Liptak. She was born in the town of Ellsinore, Missouri located in the far southeastern corner of the state in 1913. She later moved to Pueblo where she met George's uncle. They both relocated back to Ellsinore in 1974, where they stayed until 1996, when they moved back to Pueblo. She passed away in February of 2011, a few months away from her 98th birthday. An avid gardener, she was still planning, planting and growing vegetables up until her death. The only tomato she would grow is the one she referred to as her "German tomato". She had German ancestors, but she probably acquired seeds when she was living in Missouri. Unfortunately George never got any more information about it. Anna Margaret provided seeds to George in 2008, which were grown and produced a few tomatoes in excess of 2 lbs as well as a number over 1 lb.
  • In 2014 George Liptak grew out a number of plants from seeds he had saved from preceding years, as well as the original 2008 set and also included seeds that were found in Anna Margaret's personal effects that were identified as from 1999. All provided pretty identical fruit.
  • George Liptak shared seeds with Carolyn Male, so she included it in her annual seed offer at Tomatoville gardening forum in 2014.

I obtained the seeds directly from George Liptak.

Color: Pink
Shape: Heart
Maturity: 80 Days
Plant Type: Indeterminate
Leaf Type: Regular
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