Belarusian Heart

This is a very hard to find red heart tomato. There are almost no commercial seed sources so I am proud to carry this one. The flavor is wonderful, both sweet and tangy. The fruits are extremely meaty with almost no seeds (which makes seed saving a challenge) and very smooth in texture. They grow in clusters of 2 or 3. A very large size – averaging 12-20 oz. I am pleased with its reliable production.


From Tatiana’s TOMATObase:

Belarusian heirloom from Minsk, Belarus. Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus collected the seeds from a huge 2 lbs heart-shaped fruit that he bought at a farmers' market in Minsk from an old woman. She did not know the name of this variety, so Andrey named it 'Belarusian Heart' and shared seeds with some North American gardeners in 2007.Introduced to SSE by Andrey Baranovski of Minsk, Belarus in 2008.

Introduced commercially in North America by Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds in 2011.

Color: Red
Shape: Heart
Maturity: 80 Days
Plant Type: Indeterminate
Leaf Type: Regular
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