Crnkovic Yugoslavian

I love this tomato with wonderful flavor in a large pink, round beefsteak. It is very productive and the fruits are beautiful with rarely any cracks. They are usually close to a lb and can get even larger.


From Tatiana’s TOMATObase:

 Family heirloom from Yugoslavia, introduced to Seed Savers Exchange by Carolyn Male of Latham, New York in SSE 1995 Yearbook. Original seed came from Carolyn's colleague, Yasha Crnkovic of the Vojvod area of Yugoslavia.From Carolyn J. Male's book "100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden", "Yasha Crnkovic, a colleague of mine, obtained some heirloom tomato varieties for me from relatives in Yugoslavia. This one was the very best..." of them.

Color: Pink
Shape: Beefsteak
Maturity: 85 Days
Plant Type: Indeterminate
Leaf Type: Regular
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