Rose Beauty

This is a pretty pale yellow/cream tomato that may or may not blush pink on the blossom end. The Rose in the name does not come from the color. It is the name of the family that grew it.

Fruit are nice and large, usually 1-1 ½ lb, juicy, and have a nice flavor that is not bland like some pale ones. The plant is vigorous and production is good, even in the heat.


From Tatiana’s TOMATObase:

  • A family heirloom from Kentucky. It was grown by Dale Rose's family on Happy Top Mountain on the Estill/Jackson County line in Kentucky, in the late 1920's / early 1930's. Original seed from Dale Rose of Richmond, Kentucky.
  • First offered in the Seed Savers 2001 Yearbook by Austin Isaacs, Berea, Kentucky (KY IS A2).
  • First commercially offered by Marianna's Heirloom Seeds in 2008.

Yes, there really is a Happy Top Mountain – and a Happy Top Road on top of it. I love the name. icon_smile.gif Here is a link to a map of that area.

Color: White, Yellow
Shape: Globe
Maturity: 90 Days
Plant Type: Indeterminate
Leaf Type: Regular
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