This page has a list of tomatoes that we have carried in the past, we do not necessarily have all of these varieties for sale every year. For more information, and a list of tomatoes we have this year see the 2025 update page.

Select Color, Shape, or Specialty.

An extremely popular dark tomato with excellent flavor, it produces large beefsteak fruit that can get to almost a lb in size. The flavor is often described as rich and complex with almost wine like…[more]
This one has a lot of flavor, assertive and very good. Fruit are dark brownish red with green stripes and come in hearts of variable shapes. They average 4-8 oz and are very meaty with little juice.…[more]
Big Cheef
This variety has a very good reputation and is considered to be one of the best of the blacks. And no wonder – it has Brandywine Sudduth as one of it’s parents.The purple fruit are medium to large, 8…[more]
Black and Brown Boar
One of Brad Gates early creations from Wild Boar Farms. It is a very vigorous plant that produces a lot of 3-4” round dark brownish red tomatoes with metallic green stripes. Visually very stunning.…[more]
Black Bear
One of the earlier maturing dark tomatoes that came to us from Belarus (Russia). It is a very pretty fruit, pinky black in color, some with green shoulders. The flavor is really very good and it is a…[more]
Absolutely incredible looking tomato, the skin is almost black when unripe and stops you in your tracks in the garden. Flesh is a deep red and when the levels of anthocyanin are high, the black even…[more]
One of the most highly rated cherries for flavor. Beautiful 1” and larger, purply, mahogany brown fruit have a complex, rich, sweet flavor similar to the large black tomatoes. Plants are very vigorous…[more]
Black Crimson
A stunning dark tomato with excellent flavor – wonderfully rich but also sweet. Fruit are usually around 3-4” and a deep dark red with green shoulders. I didn’t have any problem with cracking last…[more]
A lovely, deep reddish brown tomato with green shoulders. It is an irregularly shaped beefsteak, medium to large size, 8-12 oz. The flavor is excellent - rich, sweet and spicy with a smooth texture.…[more]
Contrary to the name it is more of a medium sized beefsteak that can vary in size from 6-12 oz. The color is a purplish black with the usual green shoulders that may have some concentric cracking. It…[more]
A highly rated dark tomato with excellent rich flavor that is a favorite of many; it is a medium to large, slightly flattened beefsteak of 8-14 oz. The color is a darkish purple that if has enough…[more]
Beautiful little 2” plum shaped tomatoes that are a dark mahogany brown with greenish shoulders. Flavor is both sweet and tangy. Nice. Very good production. Makes a wonderful sauce with its deep color…[more]
The Russian name is Chyornyi Prins which translates to Black Prince. It’s a small to medium sized tomato from 3-6 oz. Shape is mostly round but may produce some oval ones. It is a rich mahogany brown…[more]
Black Seaman
This is a pinkish black tomato with green shoulders of medium size – 4-10 oz. It matures fairly early and has pretty good yields. Really good complex flavor. Being a determinate it should do well in…[more]
Black Zebra
This is a beautiful 3-4 oz purpley dark tomato with metallic green stripes. Lovely in a salad with Green Zebra. Some people love the flavor and some don’t. You’ll have to try it to decide for…[more]
Classic heart shaped, purpley (probably not a word, but it fits ) mahogany tomato, some with green shoulders. Some fruit may be a little more flattened in shape. Size ranges from 8-16 oz. with pretty…[more]
A brand new release from the Dwarf Tomato Project. This dwarf plant has lovely smooth, slightly flattened, purple beefsteak fruit ranging from 10-16 oz. The fruit have a rich, well balanced and…[more]
Yet another dark tomato with great flavor, it is a beautiful purple mahogany color with green shoulders if exposed to sunlight. The size is med to large, with 6-12 oz beefsteak shaped fruit. Flavor is…[more]
Another Black Brandywine that is a potato leaf plant. It produces lovely dark beefsteaks with the usually green shoulders. Fruit average 10-16 oz. with the flavor being complex and rich with some…[more]
Brown Sugar
A really nice Russian tomato with that wonderful, rich, dark flavor. The name in Russian is Korichnevyi Sakhar, which translates to Brown Sugar. They are very pretty - chocolatey brown with green…[more]
This is the tomato that is known for it’s intense flavor – dark, smoky, sweet and has won many taste awards. It is very beautiful, being probably the darkest of the darks. Size is medium to large,…[more]
Carbon Copy
A wonderful dark cherry tomato that is accurately named. It is definitely a copy of Carbon with fruit size ranging from cherry to a little larger. Same wonderful flavor, very intense for a cherry.The…[more]
A lovely pinky black tomato from Russia that translates to Black Elephant. The fruit average 5-10 oz and are ribbed with greenish shoulders. The flavor is excellent, sweet, and with very good…[more]
Cherokee Chocolate
Wonderful Cherokee Purple flavor in a rich orangy red color with chocolate brown shoulders. Beautiful! Very vigorous vines with great production of 10-15 oz beefsteak. [more]
The tomato that really started the heirloom tomato celebration along with Brandywine. Truly everyone should grow this one at least once. It is almost always included in most “favorite tomato”…[more]
A sport of Cherokee purple, it has the same wonderful texture and flavor but in a heart form. Super meaty with very few seeds, it has good production on vigorous plants with good leaf coverage. It is…[more]
My favorite cherry tomato. Deep red with chocolatey brown shading, it has a sweet and rich flavor. Fruit are about 1 inch in size and produced abundantly in trusses of 6-8. They have tender skins so…[more]
Chocolate Pear
A fun cherry tomato that is pear shaped like Yellow Pear but in a fun color package. Fruit are red with overlays of green and brown swirls. Yummy flavor – rich like other darks but also tart and…[more]
This is a newer tomato that is very striking! A deep burnished orange red with bright green stripes. The inside has pink and rose shades with olive gel that makes lovely slices. It is a vigorous plant…[more]
I love the name of this stunning new release from Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farm. They really do look like little galaxy orbs. Very unique 2-3 oz fruits start off green with dark green stripes and…[more]
Dana’s Dusky Rose
A lovely pinky black tomato similar in coloring to Cherokee Purple. The plant has great production of 6-14 oz fruit with brownish shoulders and the flavor is wonderful with a nice balance of sugars…[more]
A newly created variety with deep dark color already receiving great reviews from those on the tomato forum. The plant is vigorous, with good production of beautiful dark purply fruit with green…[more]
A curiously different dark cherry with incredible rich and sweet flavor. It’s almost a combo of Black Cherry and Sungold! Incredibly productive. I really, really like this one.[more]
A very rare variegated sport of Cherokee Purple. The leaves will show more variegation in the cooler weather. First fruit will be larger and gradually lessen in size. They have an excellent flavor as…[more]
A beautiful dark bronze red cherry tomato with incredibly good flavor and awesome production. It has the trifecta of what we look for in a tomato. It has nice big trusses of these lovelies and they…[more]
Lovely large tomato, 12- 18 oz, with very good production that is a fairly recent creation. It has two well know parents – Brandywine and Cherokee Purple and you can taste the result – Yummy. It has…[more]
Indian Stripe
A lovely dusky purple tomato of about 6-12 oz that is quite similar to Cherokee Purple. Irregularly shaped and slightly flattened beefsteaks with green shoulders have a wonderful rich, complex sweet…[more]
Unusual dark, pear shaped tomato with brick red, brownish fruit and green shoulders that can be somewhat streaked. Very striking. Great rich flavor and blemish free, it has very good production of 4-6…[more]
A dark, purpley black, flattened beefsteak with a great reputation for excellent rich flavor. The fruit are solid and meaty of about 10-16 oz.  Production is average but the taste makes it worth…[more]
Large Barred Boar
Here is another great tomato from Brad Gates. It is rated very high for flavor and production. Fruit are a pinky brown with metallic green stripes in a flattened beefsteak form. They average around…[more]
This is a really great dark tomato. The 6-12 oz beefsteak fruit are pretty with that lovely dark coloring and green shoulders. Flavor is rich and sweet and the texture is smooth and creamy. Some say…[more]
This is a pretty rare, large slightly flattened beefsteak tomato from La Mancha, Spain. It has a wonderful, perfectly balanced flavor, not too tart. Fruit are ribbed, with the usual green shoulders…[more]
Negro Azteca
A lovely, little, round, purpley black cherry that has great flavor and an appearance very similar to Black Cherry. It has plump fruit that average about 1 oz and are produced in huge clusters on…[more]
A cluster tomato of smooth, blemish free fruit, it is dark mahogany with greenish shoulders and usually about 4-6 oz. The flavor is both sweet and tangy. Beautiful in a salad. Production was quite…[more]
Paul Robeson
This tomato has many, many passionate fans and has won many taste awards.. Exceptional complex flavor with beautiful dusky dark red color with greenish hues. It is a good sized beefsteak tomato of…[more]
Yet another winner from Brad Gates, this is a crazy colorful tomato with incredible flavor. So much flavor that in Farmer’s Market tests, 10 out of 10 people preferred this one to Cherokee Purple!…[more]
A stunning, large pink beefsteak with anthocyanin shoulders and striping that bleeds down the sides of the fruit. Fruit average 8-12 oz and have a very nice, well balanced flavor leaning toward the…[more]
Yet another wonderful tomato from Karen Oliver. A very nice dark purpley/red beefsteak with very deep purpley/red flesh inside. The shoulders are slightly green like many dark tomatoes. Really meaty…[more]
One of the new tomato releases from Artisan Seeds, it is extremely eye catching. They take your bowl of mixed color cherries to the next level. The fruit are slightly elongated and a dusky purple…[more]
Purple Calabash
Now this is an interesting tomato – in looks and flavor. Nothing wishy washy about this one. First the shape catches your attention – looking almost like a Cinderella pumpkin with its flattened…[more]
Another name that grabbed my attention plus it was created by a friend of mine – Sold! This is a very lovely raspberry-purple small globe or large salad tomato. Great for salads, roasting and drying.…[more]
A Dwarf Tomato Project variety perfect for growing in containers. In Craig’s own words – “58 days, dwarf, regular leaf rugose foliage, medium to large purple fruit, productive, just delicious with a…[more]
This is a new variety that is a very dark purple with a deeply pleated shape. It is very vigorous and productive of 8-10 oz fruits with a rich flavor. Very unusual and beautiful, it is growing rapidly…[more]
A nice dark beefsteak tomato. Fruit are medium large, 6-14 oz, produced in clusters of 2 or 3. They are very interesting in coloration – a deep dark pinky purple with bronze/green/purple shading on…[more]
Purplish black with green shoulders, this round fruit of 4-8 oz has a wonderful smoky intense flavor, not real sweet. Very productive even in heat with almost no defects. Lovely and productive. [more]
Lovely, dark purpley brown, plum shaped fruits with most having green shoulders. Fruits are generally blemish free, 3-4 inches long and about 6 oz on very productive plants. Plants have the same wispy…[more]
Vernissage, Black
A lovely little dark burgundy saladette tomato with green stripes and averaging around 2 oz. It is more of a savory than sweet tomato but not strongly acidic. The skin is thicker so nicely crack…[more]
A rare, large dark beefsteak from Belgium. Picture perfect – ruffled shoulders with the usually green coloring and almost always blemish free. They have a wonderful balanced flavor and are both juicy…[more]
For all of you fans of Babylon 5, here is a great tomato. With the parents of Cherokee Purple and Pruden's Purple, you know this one is going to be good! Lovely clear skinned, deep purpley pink fruit…[more]


Dark tomatoes come in a range of colors - deep toned purples, dark chocolate brown tones and even a deep brownish mahogany red. Some people call them blacks but since none are actually black in color, I think it more accurate to call them darks.

Many of them have greenish coloring on the shoulders. This green color is a very interesting part of tomato history and how it has been bred over the years. The darker green color comes from the chlorophyll in plant structures called chloroplasts, which convert sunlight into sugars for the plant. Those dark green shoulders actually help make the fruit sweeter and create more flavor. In the 1930’s a plant mutated to an all over ripening and this “uniform ripening gene” became the latest must have in tomato breeding. So a mutation actually led to less flavor! The point is that those green shoulders lead to more flavor in the dark tomatoes and that’s a good thing!

The flavor of the darks tends to lean toward the sweeter side with a rich complexity and a hint of smoky or spicy additions. Hard to put into words, you will just have to try them to appreciate their flavor.