This page has a list of tomatoes that we have carried in the past, we do not necessarily have all of these varieties for sale every year. For more information, and a list of tomatoes we have this year see the 2025 update page.

Select Color, Shape, or Specialty.

Bloody Butcher
A very popular early tomato, it has small, 2-4 oz, round dark red tomatoes with deep red flesh. It is very early and high yielding with intense flavor. Produces fruit in cluster of 5-9 on very…[more]
Cyril's Choice
A special little dwarf plant from England. It bears golf ball sized red tomatoes that have a really nice appearance. Flavor is excellent for a small early tomato, very well balanced sweet and sours.…[more]
Czech's Bush
Perfect small red tomatoes, are born on a nice looking dwarf plant. It produces a large amount of tomatoes weighing around 4-6 oz. with very good flavor. Perfect for container growing.[more]
Early Detroit
Another rare old Michigan tomato we are proud to carry. This 4-6 oz., pink, perfectly round, smooth and blemish free tomato is versatile. Great for fresh eating or processing. Flavorful, juicy, yet…[more]
Fast setting even for an early variety, it has the flavor of a late season tomato. Pink fruit are 4-6 oz with a sweet flavor and meaty texture. Early Wonder is one of the better tasting early…[more]
One of the largest of the early red tomatoes, it produces 2-3”, 3-8 oz globes with a pointy end. It has more flavor than a lot of the earlies with a little more sweetness than most of them. Very…[more]
First Pick
Growing well in both spring and fall, First Pick is an early tomato that is very tolerant of cold temperatures. It is not overly firm but it does have a sweet flavor which is unusual in an early.…[more]
A yellow cherry with tons of flavor. 1” fruit, about the size of a quarter have sweetness but with a real depth of flavor. Very prolific. It does well in hot or cool summers and keeps very well at…[more]
A unique version of Green Zebra that is earlier with a larger size and a little more irregular in shape. Still has green flesh and stripes but the flavor is not as tangy. The stripes will turn…[more]
An extremely early tomato, Glacier is sure to be one of the first tomatoes to bear fruit in your garden, and it will continue to do so well into summer. Fruit are small, about 2-3 oz. Glacier has one…[more]
Green Zebra Cherry
A golf ball sized green cherry tomato with gold stripes. The fruit are round to slightly elongated. They turn more amber colored when ripe. It has a bright sweet flavor – not more tart like the Green…[more]
Gregori's Altai
This is a very nice early tomato from Siberia. Very good production of 3-4” and 8-12 oz, reddish pink beefsteak fruit. They have a nice full flavor and are rather sweet. Both size and this good of a…[more]
I love how Gayla Trail, of You Grow Girl blog, describes this tomato because I had thought the same thing: “First there is the name, which gives me a chuckle every time I say it as it sounds like…[more]
A very early pretty pink tomato good for slicing. Much larger than most early tomatoes, it averages 3-5” and can weigh up to a pound. Very vigorous semi-determinate plants give great reliable yields.…[more]
Krymskaya Roza
This is a fast grower that produces dark pink, pear shaped fruit. The fruit is fleshy, about 3-4 oz in size and has a very good sweet flavor.[more]
While it is a little later than most early varieties, Manitoba bears many red, 6-8 oz, firm and tangy tomatoes. It is both cold and disease resistant.[more]
This very old French heirloom tomato has 3-8 oz scarlet red fruit that grow on a compact plant. Good for container growing. Production is very good. A classic looking ribbed tomato with rich, slightly…[more]
One of the few indeterminate early tomatoes, it will bear fruit all season long. Fruit average 4-6 oz. and it is highly resistant to both cold and wet weather. Flavor is considered to be one of the…[more]
This is a wonderful red beefsteak with smooth skin. The fruit look really nice and have a great well balanced, complex flavor with a touch of sweetness so they are not too acidic like a lot of earlies…[more]
Moravsky Div
A nice early tomato from Russia, it bears small red fruit of 1-3 oz size. Rated high for flavor among the earlies. Production is good from this recently introduced in America tomato.[more]
A tomato from Russia, it bears nice round deep red tomatoes about 6 oz in size. Production is good for the whole season and the fruit are resistant to cracking. Flavor is a bit milder than other early…[more]
Northern Delight
Bred to perform in short season northern areas, it produces very early. The determinate plants have high yields of 1-2 oz fruit that are slightly elongated. They are juicy, more tart than sweet and…[more]
Oregon Spring
This early tomato is known for its juicy and mild sweet taste. It produces a large yield of slightly round, 3-6 oz red tomatoes. Fruit will set even in high or low temperatures and early fruit will be…[more]
Polish Dwarf
This is a great one for all you space challenged growers. If grown in the ground it will only get to about 2 to 2 ½ feet tall but will be even smaller when grown in pots, probably under 2 feet. It…[more]
This is a very rare little tomato that originated in the Netherlands. It has a tidy restrained growth with great production. The perfect little red fruit have a nicely balanced flavor –…[more]
An early producer of round, 1-4 oz red tomatoes with a well-balanced but sweet flavor. It has large, reliable yields even in cold temperatures.[more]
Remy Rouge
This is a really cute little plant that produces clusters of small red cherries on a small plant. It is great for growing in a container. Very productive! The fruit are very good and sweet – almost as…[more]
Rote Herztomate
The name translates to Red Heart Tomato. My seed source says it is the oddest looking heart tomato he has ever grown. “Very wedge shaped and can even be a bit twisted.” Very early producing with quite…[more]
Nice early compact plant that is very popular in South Dakota. Apparently the old timers like to use it for canning. The vigorous plants produce a lot of delicious red tomatoes, 8-12 oz in size that…[more]
Red, slightly flattened round tomatoes, of a very nice size for an early tomato with fruits of 10-12 oz and up. It contains few seeds and is good for eating fresh. A very reliable slicer, the flavor…[more]
Silvery Fir Tree
The plants have beautiful silver hued leaves that are delicate and lacey and look similar to ferns or carrot leaves. Because the plants are so small, they will do well in containers or even deeper…[more]
A unique tomato with very compact growing habit that will grow well in hanging baskets. The fruit are a deep yellow round cherry with a great sweet flavor. They have a nice texture, neither mushy or…[more]
A small round red tomato with a big flavor that is intensely tangy and sweet. Many people consider it the best tasting of the earlies, but remember taste is very subjective. Plants are very tolerant…[more]
Thessaloniki is a very nicely productive plant that is vigorous with lots of leaves that help to protect the fruit against sunscald. The fruit are red and can vary in size but most are perfect little…[more]
A rare tomato with only one commercial source, it bears pear shaped red fruit of 2-3 oz. Nice and firm with a strong, rich flavor, they are good for many uses, including roasting and drying. Would…[more]
These firm red cherries have a nice intense flavor with both tangy and sweet notes. The fruit rarely cracks and are nice and juicy. The plants are very vigorous and prolific.[more]
A cute little dwarf plant that works wonderfully in a hanging basket. Very prolific for such a tiny plant, it yields beautiful, slightly oval, pink cherries in clusters. This plant starts producing…[more]


In winter we are dreaming of that first tomato of the summer and the early category is essential to meeting that goal. As a rule they tend to be smaller in size and with a flavor that is more intense and tangy. Most are not sweet.

It is probably good that most are determinate so they are done producing by the time the midseason varieties kick in. I add the extra’s from the indeterminate varieties to the sauce batches or slice and dry with herbs sprinkled on top.

I am always looking for that perfect early to begin our MI growing season. Here is a nice list of ones to try.